Helical Fusion is proud to announce its selection as a "Deep Tech Pioneer" by Hello Tomorrow, a globally renowned organization that supports and celebrates cutting-edge innovations addressing the world's most pressing challenges.
In 2024, Hello Tomorrow received 4,600 applications from 120 countries, from which 850 startups were selected as "Deep Tech Pioneers." Among this distinguished group, Helical Fusion was recognized for its rare expertise in fusion machine design and its potential to fundamentally resolve the global energy crisis through the societal implementation of fusion energy.
As a spin-out startup from National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), the world's premier research institute, Helical Fusion is honored to contribute to the realization of fusion energy and be recognized internationally. This achievement reaffirms our commitment to delivering sustainable and scalable energy solutions for the future.
We look forward to continuing our journey with Hello Tomorrow and engaging with the global deep-tech community to bring the promise of fusion energy closer to reality.
For more details about the "Deep Tech Pioneer" program, visit Hello Tomorrow's official website.